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Data Modelling is a critical discipline in Data Management which underpins an organisation's understanding of its data, processes, and systems, and is a key strategic enabler. This course gives business managers and executives a non-technical introduction to the discipline of data modelling. You will understand what data modelling is and what it does, what the drivers and purposes for data modelling are, why it is a vital support for getting value from the data in your organisation. This course will provide a solid foundation in the basics of data modelling, leading you through examples and scenarios focused on creating a Business Information Model, creating definitions, and rules and notations for entity relationship modelling, to understand and communicate an organisation's data landscape and business rules. Please note that VAT will be added to the price at the checkout. Offline Payment For offline EFT payment, please click here. Read more

Data and Information Management Essentials 101: Introduction to Data Governance This course provides learners with an in-depth grounding in the fundamentals of Data Governance. Narrated by recognised data management pioneer and founder of Castlebridge, Daragh O Brien, this course is designed to provide learners with relevant, practical knowledge and insight. The syllabus is based on the DAMA DMBOK to develop foundational knowledge relevant to preparing for the CDMP exam, but incorporating additional concepts and insights from Castlebridge’s extensive experience in Data Governance consulting and advisory engagements with clients to develop actionable skills. The lessons in this course include almost five hours of video lessons and additional reading to reinforce key learnings for a total of 6 CPD hours. Handouts and supporting materials are supplied. Learners will also take a short exam at the end of the course to test their recall and understanding of key concepts covered in the self-directed learning. This course also provides an extensive reading list for learners who wish to expand their study of Data Governance through wider self-directed study. Please note that VAT will be added to the price at the checkout. Offline Payment For offline EFT payment, please click here. Read more

This "GDPR Focus" short course is designed to provide practical guidance regarding the application of EU Data Protection law, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation 2016/679/EU). This course addresses a key regulatory requirement for process documentation under Article 30 of GDPR, the "Register of Processing Activities", or "ROPA", addressing the following topics: What is a "Register of Processing Activities"? What a ROPA needs to document The difference between a ROPA and a data inventory Some basics of process documentation Practical guidance for creating a ROPA Please note that VAT will be added to the price at the checkout. Offline Payment For offline EFT payment, please click here. Read more

Introduction and Purpose Data ethics is rapidly becoming recognized as fundamentally important and not just a “fuzzy” concept of corporate social responsibility, it is not only a commercial differentiator but a key risk management issue and a real influence on our day to day experience. Your organization is already doing “ethics” whether you explicitly consider it or not. The question is whether it is a “best efforts” production without the clear guidance of principles. Is your organization’s leadership setting the tone from the top? Do you have appropriate systems of management in place to support ethical decisions and actions? This course provides a detailed framework with practical tools and techniques for implementing an ethical information management strategy. Key Objectives Delegates will be familiarized with . . . An overview of ethical concepts as related to Information Management Ethics in AI and Analytics Data Ethics and Data Science Data Ethics and Data Protection concepts An overview of practical methods to align ethics with Information Governance Codes of Conduct, Risk Management and Ethical Information Management practices Please note that VAT will be added to the price at the checkout. Offline Payment For offline EFT payment, please click here. Read more

Information Security and Article 32 Core Information Security Concepts Understanding data security in the legislation Requirements for integrity and confidentiality under Article 32 Preventative, Detective, and Reactive controls Data Security and Data Breach Handling What constitutes a Personal Data Breach in the legislation Specifics of personal data breach notification requirements- when to notify the regulator or affected persons The importance of a risk-based approach to recording breaches and “near misses” EDPB / Article 29 Working Party guidance on Breaches Do’s and don’ts of Data Security Breach handling Please note that VAT will be added to the price at the checkout. Offline Payment For offline EFT payment, please click here. Read more

This module builds on the foundations of the core principles and lawful processing conditions introduced in Module 2, to provide an overview of employer obligations regarding data protection for employees in the workplace. Attention is given to traditional centralized office-based work environments and on the special considerations required for compliance in connected and remote work enviornments. Please note that VAT will be added to the price at the checkout. Offline Payment For offline EFT payment, please click here. Read more
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